domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Buying Facebook Likes

Some brands offer their products and services through Facebook. While a few become successful due to a great marketing campaign, most of them actually are not being very honest. Instead of promoting and advertising the right way, brands pay for their fans.
How is this even possible?
UPDATE: it works!

It's so easy to do so that we will give it a try. Several websites offer this service, in which you pay for Facebook likes. Most are authomatic alorithms so we won't even notice that our facebook profile "liked" certain fanpage. 

A very popular website that offers this service is called FBTWISTER, and not only can you buy facebook fans, but also Youtube plays,  Twitter and Google+ followers. Starting at U$S8 you can get up to a thousand fans in 24 hours and get your product into most people's news section. Does this sound like a scam to you?


At UP 'N TRENDING we love to be part of what we report. That's why we will be buying a thousand likes and increase our fanbase by this (dis)honest method, in order to see if it actually works. We will share to you our results in two days from now. 

Let's hope we didn't lose 8 bucks!

UPDATE: it does work. We are at 500 fans right now. That's 400+ in 2 hours.

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